Water Propagation

Water Propagation

When it comes to plants, we think it’s safe to say that more is always better! Sometimes you find one that you love so much that you just want to buy a bunch of them! However, it seems kind of silly to get in the checkout line with 10 swiss cheese plants. What if we told you that you could take that one plant that you bought, and actually turn it into 10 plants, easily, and for free? 

Water propagation is probably the easiest and one of the most popular ways to grow your plant collection. But what exactly is water propagation? This is a method of using a cutting from an established plant to grow new ones, simply by using water. 

What Plants Can Be Water Propagated? 

The list of plants that you can water propagate is seemingly endless, but to give you an idea of where to start, pothos, spider plants, monstera, pilea, philodendron, and peperomia are some of the most popular (and easy!) to grow with this process. 

What do you need? 

Not much really! You can grow as many plants as your little green heart desires with only the following:

  • Filtered water at room temperature
  • A small, glass container
  • Scissors or pruning shears
  • Plant Cuttings
  • Raw honey (optional) 

Let’s Grow The Plants!

The “how” is incredibly simple. First, you’ll want to take a cutting from your plant. Make sure to cut a 3” or longer piece that is healthy and already has a few established leaves! When you cut, you’ll want to cut the plant just below a node--- wait, what’s a node? A node is a little bump below a leaf where new growth can occur; this is where the new roots will form. This next step is optional, but it is sure to help your plant propagate a little faster! Did you know that honey can be used to propagate plants? This is because it contains enzymes that promote root growth. 

Here’s how to use it! 

 Bring two cups of water to boil, then stir in two tablespoons of raw honey. Do not boil the honey! Allow this mixture to cool. When it’s ready, dip the stem of your cutting into the honey-water, coating the end, and then

fill your glass container with filtered water and place the cutting in. Be sure to place your propagation station in a bright area near or in a windowsill. 

Now you wait. 

Patience is key! New roots can take anywhere from a week to a month to form, depending on the species of plant, so don’t lose hope if you don’t see new growth right away! Be sure to change out the water every 3-5 days and to rinse any mucky film from the stem/roots to keep your new plant healthy! 

Keep your cuttings growing in the water until the roots are 2”- 4” long, at which point it is now safe to transplant! 

Can You Keep The New Plant Growing In The Water?

Absolutely! If you choose to continue growing your new plant in the water, you’ll just need to continue to replace the water on a regular basis. Also, since your plant won’t be getting any nutrients from soil, you’ll want to add plant food about once per month or as needed depending on the type of plant. 

Free plants. It’s really that easy! So take cuttings to your heart’s content, line your windows with propagation stations and grow your own little jungle!

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