Top 5 Easiest Houseplants to Keep Alive

Top 5 Easiest Houseplants to Keep Alive

Are you a beginner houseplant parent? Afraid of killing your next plant or just have a busy lifestyle? Here are our top 5 houseplant picks that are extremely easy to care for and do not require a green thumb.

Spider Plants

Spider plants are one of the most popular indoor plants. These plants have long, narrow leaves that grow from a central stalk. They produce small white flowers with yellow-green tips that can be seen during springtime. Spider plants require very little care, which is why they make such a popular choice for many people.

Snake Plants

Snake plants, also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, are extremely adaptable plants. These plants don’t need to be watered that often, you can let them sit for weeks at a time in moderate or even low light conditions and they will be perfectly happy.

Aloe Plants

Aloe plants are easy to care for and can be grown in a variety of climates. They are also very low maintenance, making them perfect for those who don’t have much time to spend on their garden or houseplants. Aloe plants require little water and can survive with very little sunlight. This makes them great choices for any climate, as they will still thrive in areas that receive less sun than others.

Cast Iron Plants

The Cast Iron plant has earned a reputation as a nearly indestructible houseplant. Growing Cast Iron plants are especially favored by those who don’t have a lot of time for plant care. These plants grow well in low light indoors and are not finicky about regular water either. Cast Iron plants are a tough species that can survive even the most extreme conditions where other plants would shrivel and die. 


Pothos, also known as Devils Ivy, is another great beginner plant since it can thrive in a variety of environments. They do well in bright, indirect light as well as low light and can be grown in dry soil or in vases of water. They will thrive in nutrient-rich soil but do almost as well in nutrient-poor soil.

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